
Hi there,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that a look into someone else's home might be able to encourage you not to feel so lonely inside your own. We are all connected. We would be even more connected if we thought outside the physical realm and allowed ourselves to be healed spiritually. That’s where you’ll find the true strength to carry on! Here is a link on how to do that: http://www.licoc.org/Gospel/Gospel.htm

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Never forgetting God is the Maker

Why emotional camouflage? …”Camouflages are emotional subterfuges we devise for ourselves-subterfuges that exact a tremendous toll on everyone involved (including self).” D.L. Carlson M.D. In war it’s used to blend one’s self into one’s surroundings so as not to be detected, but emotionally why would we need to work so hard to hide ourselves from people? It’s unavailing. Protecting our true form from the judgment of others when it’s God’s judgment we should be concerned with is a dangerous game. Don’t play the game; God’s the only one qualified to judge & camouflage is not going to work on Him.

Matthew 10:28Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

THIS JUST IN: It's wonderful when you share your thoughts and someone can lend wonderful insight for you.... One of my beautiful Sister's in Christ gave me an awesome insight and a beautiful perspective into why people might take the road of masking their true form to others. See how I was viewing it is that it must be so much work guarding ourselves from others, pretending to be something that we're not. When in fact some people find it more work to reveal their true selves. It can be rather daunting to show who you really are to others and allow for a chance at your mind feeling the shame that comes with needing to be bare before the Lord. What is better for us to recognize is that nothing we are can keep us from God if we are open to transforming in His light. God loved us while we were His enemies, so he is quite aware who we each are and if it didn't stop Him from loving us then we have to trust His love and know if we immerse ourselves in baptism water His son’s blood will cleanse us. He is our Daddy King and his power can make us whole if we get out of His way. So let’s live transparent , allowing for God to clean us here now, in the flesh, so we can one day be with Him in eternity! .

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Won't Apologize for my Joy by:Given Precious Jules

I'd like to share one of my poems I wrote a while back. In light of me coming to a point in my walk in Christ where I am truly understanding the deeper meaning of these poetic lines, I was able to reflect on it again. Perhaps you can too. Before I do that I'd like to give a little background about my nature. I am the type of person who even if you are treating me poorly, if you ask me to walk a mile with you I will ask you if you'd like me to carry you on my back for most of the way. I am deeply loyal, but I am recognizing more and more that doesn't mean I have to be a doormat for others. Don't get me wrong I will always pray I may be useful to My Lord through any and every form of humility that he allows me to experience while in flesh however, that doesn't mean I have to let your negativity change my joy. I don't have to allow someone else's journey bring down mine. Sometimes people are going to try to crowd out God's light. They might be full of anger, rage, darkness, negativity, frustration and bitterness in their hearts. And so you have to decide at some point if they aren't letting me help, if they don't want my help, if they think they'd do better without my help to just leave them be. Not stop loving them, not stop praying for them, but accept that they have to give it to God just the same way you do. Without God I'd be a wreck and so I wont apologize to anyone for seeing the optimism in blindly trusting Him along the way...

I Won't Apologize for my Joy by:Given Precious Jules

I won't apologize for my sunshine if it somehow bothers you.
Make excuse for my joy, For He rises above the blue.
The way His love for me burns so bright that His lightOver powers the pain
...So strong and filled with hope that it blocks out all the rain.
His joy is blinding, REMINDING (me)...Of all He has to give
and I praise Him for the day He gave me light to live.
Why would I stay sad? Why would I get mad? Why would I behave as if the SON doesn't shine?
If that is what you need to do then go ahead, but let me rejoice in mine.
You might look at me and think, "Why is she so Happy with so much going wrong???
It's because He shines on me, giving my heart it's joyful song.
I won't apologize for my sunshine if it somehow bothers you.
Make excuse for my joy, For He rises above the blue.
He strengthens me more than any other source could.
He let His son die for me when nobody else ever would.
I sing to Him because He beams from deep inside.
I have peace in Him, a kind I just refuse to hide.
Times get hard, but he pushes past the dark clouds that try to creep in.
Shouting, "Hold strong my child trust in me and together we'll win!"
Taking hold of me even when my heart seems gray.
He delivers me, swooping down he saves the day.
So... I won't apologize for my sunshine if it somehow bothers you.
Make excuse for my joy, ...For He rises above the blue

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile."- Romans 1:16

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just thinkin out loud...

Just sitting here havin one of my word pic moments, thought I'd share out loud...perserverance is not just haning in there, but knowing there is something better...

I have this vision bouncing around in my head whenever I am feeling run down. By God's grace it helps encourage me to trust a little more...A train commuter is worried about one thing getting home from work. They don’t fixate on the fact that they’re packed in like sardines, uncomfortable, or even tired. No,they endure it all & prepare. Pushing out the difficulties of the world they fix their minds on the goodness of Home & envision themselves there. Those in Christ... must NEVER loose sight that we haven’t arrived at our final destination. Heaven is worth the commute.

Isaiah 58:13-14…and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, 14 then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

He's made me bold with strength in my soul...

Hi Everyone,

Wow, this has been way too long. I miss catching up with other souls who blog and others who journal their lives. Yay to Summer!!!! I’ve been waiting for quite some time for June to come and officially kick of the fun. I still battle with my health during this time however, having extra time with the Hubby and children as a family unit seems to add a kick to empowering me. I could never express in worded form what that does for me. So Lord willing can’t wait to start some family fun. Anyhoo, there's much that has been going on and God has been showing me amazing things.

I am happy to report the children and I have survived their first year in public education. Having home schooled them for four years it was a challenge to the mind and to my flesh to partake on this journey. As a matter of fact sadly God had to pull me kicking and screaming for a lot of the way, but like a good parent He waited for me to abort “Tantrum” mode and do what I was told. To learn to trust He knew what was best for me.

It’s not that Hubby and I were against education outside of the home; our Faith stands outside of the boundaries of educational walls and we continue to try our best to train the children to Love and fear the Lord, but it was more so the fact that my health struggles prevented me from continuing with our goal in this particular area that frustrated me.

I was disappointed that my body wasn’t cooperating with my often-busy mind. See God has gifted me with a very high thresh hole for pain and so when I could no longer perform the task of teaching my children from home a part of me felt defeated and something felt dead inside…. No violins here though, that’s just plain old ugly pride and I am glad the Father is showing me to rely on His power alone. In looking at the last nine months it was difficult but completely transforming. I feel that much closer to Him for it.

So what’s my point, why today’s rambles??? I guess because if your like me your human, and sooner or later something will come a long big or small that will not allow you to rely on yourself fully. Embrace the moment!!! It can draw you closer to God. Let yourself be yoked with Him, it’s so worth it. I am not perfected in this by any means; I just know how satisfying it’s been to know who has me. Matt. 11: 28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, & I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you & learn from me,...you will find rest for your souls.**The word yoke is believed to be derived from P.I.E. Yugam"(yoke),verb "Yeug"(join unite) It's a wooden beam which is used between a pair of oxen to allow them to pull a load (wikipedia defintion). They don’t turn or shift w/o eachother, they work together. Let yourself be yoked with Him…It might ache a little, but it's always good to be brought a little lower so He can raise a little Higher in your day!!! “Pride is insolence, and belief in human power is impiety. True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to a power beyond himself.

Psalm 138:3 NKJV.."In the day when I cried out, You answered me,And made me bold with strength in my soul." Psalm 32:6 NIV "Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you,while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him."
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself....A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -David Herbert Lawrence