
Hi there,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that a look into someone else's home might be able to encourage you not to feel so lonely inside your own. We are all connected. We would be even more connected if we thought outside the physical realm and allowed ourselves to be healed spiritually. That’s where you’ll find the true strength to carry on! Here is a link on how to do that: http://www.licoc.org/Gospel/Gospel.htm

Friday, April 27, 2012

Trust Doesn't Lend Itself to Worry

This was an older blog post that I hadn't gotten a chance to load back in February. I like to know when I write something what time frame it was just to get an idea of where I was in that point of my life. So from looking at my physical journal it is telling me I wrote this February 23, 1012... I love my Sweet Jules dearly. I will and try to do everything in my power to love and protect them. Sometimes though I feel frustration... exhaustion even when they don't fully realize just how much I love them, how much I do to protect them. They don't completely get that my number one priority is guarding over them. I'll share an example with you about what I am speaking of, when their both anxious about minor things they tend to have that spill over into even more trivial matters. This leads them to asking silly questions like, "Is this milk good?", "Is this fruit fresh?" or is that counter top clean?" (and yes I do clean and buy food regularly, LOL...but seriously)... I end up wondering in those moments are they kidding me? Are they really asking me these things?...Do they not know how much their Father and I are looking out for them? Do they not realize that we wouldn't let the things that are in our power harm them or be neglectful of their needs? If we are making sure we are caring for larger more difficult matters that their little minds are oblivious to, like providing for their home, paying for their food, buying their clothes, funding their education, and trying to extend various treats their way... than surely those things are nothing for us to take care of so why are they worrying about that....(not that there's never been any near misses with a cup of spoiled milk around here, but my point being is) most of the time their questions are generated by things that have nothing really to do with the moment..it's worry and a need to control their environment. They just simply forget that we got their back and that all they need to do is put more trust in us so that they can relax a little...which leads me to my next and final point of sharing this week... aren't I guilty of those same things at times?...I must glean from that frustration I feel when the kids get that way with us and remember my own short comings in regards to trusting God. In my own worry, in my own attempts to control, what I am really doing is exuding a lack of trust in the Father. I too am limiting my parent in those moments. He's handling the minor issues and then some. To limit the Almighty God of Heaven, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, who can and will protect me from any and all harm ends up only hurting me. Trust simply doesn't lend itself to worry. To release myself from all fear and anxiety and remember just who the God of Heaven is, will only lead to a powerful trust that can not be broken. SO my goal is to grow in letting go of worry and trusting my Father's guard.....Matthew 6:34 "Therefore don't be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble..." I don't want to borrow trouble. I'd rather accept that any trouble before me is being handled by my Daddy. Be well, all...let nothing steal your trust in Him.
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself....A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -David Herbert Lawrence