
Hi there,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that a look into someone else's home might be able to encourage you not to feel so lonely inside your own. We are all connected. We would be even more connected if we thought outside the physical realm and allowed ourselves to be healed spiritually. That’s where you’ll find the true strength to carry on! Here is a link on how to do that: http://www.licoc.org/Gospel/Gospel.htm

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Heart of A Child

Was online most of the morning researching my congenital heart defect which, in less scarier terminology, is more specifically labeled a PFO. Had been undergoing a lot of symptoms that elude to the fact that I might need to peruse closure of it more aggressively instead of continuing with aspirin therapy to treat it. And so we've been at a cross road the last several weeks in regard to making a decision. With that said as I usually do with most things... been researching and looking into other people who seem to have complications from this condition as well and been trying to digest it all rather intensely.

My oldest who is eleven came in while I was deeply involved in a video on the procedure and asked me innocently why I was watching the footage. I informed my little one that Momma was looking into her heart condition to try to understand things better. At that time my Precious Jules proceeded to explain some things to me and very matter of factually I might add. I thought I'd share the memory on here with all of you. My eleven year old said "Mommy, why are you watching all of that, it's just making you sad. Don't be sad Mommy. If God wants you to live (reaching down and touching my chin) you WILL LIVE MOMMY (what a powerful proclamation...then continued...) I can't explain what I mean and I know I sound like I'm not making sense with my words, but what I'm trying to say is He knows you have a husband and Children, you will live, if it's His will of course.....try not to be so sad."


Did this enlightenment just pour out of the incredible creature I was blessed to birth? Did my child really share with such Faith and wisdom at eleven the power of her God with me?.... In that moment I just bawled and little on held me in arm. What a gift and what a beautiful reminder for me to hang on, to trust, to know God is with me thru all of it. I thank Him for my amazing Precious Jules and this moment we shared by ourselves, just us two together. Parent and child as it is with this situation with me and God and my health...the two of us dealing with it together. My Parent/My God.

Matthew 18 GWT: 3 Then he said to them, "I can guarantee this truth: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me. 6"These little ones believe in me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just Love while you here, while you're able....

People try to come up with a recipe for Love, so many books, so many songs,so many seminars, so many movies. At the end of the day the answer is centering Love with God. I have rode thru many storms the last 19 years with an amazing friend, one who like myself, found God at a time when we could have lost what Love really is. We are blessed to know Him together; to have raised our beautiful Jules in Him together, and to ride together. Ride or Die I always tell him...plan to do that until we can't any more. We try our best to send each other notes thru out the week, reminders of the Love God has blessed us with. I pray my words might one day be a glimpse to Him concerning what I feel for God blessing me with my Sweetheart (meeting your spouses needs when they are healthy is tough, takes a lot of work and that makes you wonderful...meeting your spouses needs when they have chronic illness...is tougher and that makes you a miracle from the Lord)....I love my miracle from God.

My Note To Hubby:

I am so truly thankful for you. I love you. Sometimes my mind is
full of a deep sadness and God uses you to remind me to remember His
love for me. I thank you for being my companion on life's journey. No
one on this earth in this life time has ever cared for me more than you
and I am so blessed to have experienced that before going home to the
Father. I am so thankful we rode thru storms together my love.

Love you always and several days more,

I'd write His response back but he'd get me good for publishing his sweet words...they are meant for my eyes and God's eyes alone and that's okay with me. :)

Stay strong friends, God is generous and amazing. He is Rich with Love and desires to show us it each and everyday no matter what form.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself....A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -David Herbert Lawrence