
Hi there,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that a look into someone else's home might be able to encourage you not to feel so lonely inside your own. We are all connected. We would be even more connected if we thought outside the physical realm and allowed ourselves to be healed spiritually. That’s where you’ll find the true strength to carry on! Here is a link on how to do that: http://www.licoc.org/Gospel/Gospel.htm

Saturday, May 14, 2011

...and your postive I'm not dreaming.

Here’s something I wrote as I’ve struggled the last 24 hours with processing the information I was given when I got a call from my cardiac nurse yesterday. She's amazing, but I kept feeling like, "Are you sure you meant me? maybe that's the wrong test results your looking at." ;-) As much as I was thankful someone finally had some news for me, I couldn't help wanting to ask..."and your positive I'm not dreaming?" Here's what I wrote to help negate my fears over the matter....

"The succor of Christ fades all apprehension away and the Glory of the image is made luminous; emotion's distortion no longer hides the truth of it's Light...Spirtual eyes take note and view for yourself...behold...'tis The Predominate Hand of God" -Given Precious Jules

See over the last several months as pain, discomfort, and health issues started to magnify, after pressure spikes, and hospitalizations I was growing tired, but praise God we are now finally getting some clarity. We've even been learning the last several days that quite a few signals were potentially life threatening and just how much it was the Hand of God that was guiding things is incredible. I am so thankful for all the hidden ways God had orchestrated this last exposure.

After suffering the blow that I was not with the right general MD a few months back I started asking my neuro for help because I felt bombarded with everything. No one could put their finger on what was going on. So she agreed with me about moving on to find a new doctor, but recommended that I find a cardiologist in the meanwhile if nothing else because my pressure was doing so poorly. During this same time frame my husband just happen to be wrapping up some cardiologist appointments because of a fluke on his routine ekg and so I decided to try the same cardiologist.

Praise God all his test went well for Him. We started to realize the ekg was not a fluke after all, rather it was the hand of God exposing and working out things for me. We could now grasp it was God that lead me to this doctor and that it was actually to help provide the right care for me. To think if not for my husband's doctor sending him to a specialist, if not for me declinging to continue working with my general MD, and if not for talking to my neurologist....I would have never learned I had some things going on with one of my carotid arteries. If not for them deciding to think out of the box and run one non standard test because of my symptoms,I’d probably still be living in the ignorance. Wow, God is so generous.

Don’t get me wrong, I was blessed to be getting routine blood work over the years and the last ten years I’ve been blessed to have regular MRI's of the head for my chronic migraines, but only this doctor thought to ignore my age and check the carotid artery. I am certain it was only God who led him to do that. How amazing it is to realize God has been watching over me despite the months of confusion. This explains much of the increase in speech, memory, and visual issues that no one else had been able to put their finger on.

{Because migraine is such a terrible disease that induces many of the same symptoms of other disease not too many people (accept my neuro) thought much of what has been happening with me over the last several months. I did try sharing things were intensifying, but I guess I didn't push hard enough and that is the danger of chronically suffering from this disease. At times many of us are not understood when we feel it might be something else going on because it seems like the same old experience. Please know what ever your suffering with you have the right to ask for testing and follow up. Don't be paranoid, but don't let anyone make you feel crazy either. You are your best advocate for your body...but anyway rant over...God is amazing.}

So now we wait, I have one more important test and all we can do is pray and hope for good news with it. ((SIGH))...this is indeed happening... however, the good news is this isn't news to God. As my girlfriend mentioned to me through the sadness, He's always been in charge of what's happening. I'll need to trust because if He has been working so mightily in the silence how much more now that things are layed out in the open for me. All in all this has been transforming.

I don’t plan on going anywhere,may that be His will, but I am more willing to recognize these bodies are not meant to be lasting…. life is fragile and whatever our road we have to prepare for the after. I am not playing a game, I want to sit at His feet one day. If I want that then I'll have to cling to Him learning to let go of the fears that try ensnaring me....though it's okay to feel fear He doesn't want us living there in it. Let's trust Him, know Him, understand that even when our eyes are not fully aware of all that He is working or all the danger He is working through… may we just know He is working...always working… And as we wait on His work, His glorious will to be done, may we draw near the Father. He can and will take the fear away for the believer:

"1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment...19 We love because he first loved us." (ESV)

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I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself....A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -David Herbert Lawrence