
Hi there,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that a look into someone else's home might be able to encourage you not to feel so lonely inside your own. We are all connected. We would be even more connected if we thought outside the physical realm and allowed ourselves to be healed spiritually. That’s where you’ll find the true strength to carry on! Here is a link on how to do that: http://www.licoc.org/Gospel/Gospel.htm

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Refresh yourself through written word...

Disclaimer: I am not a professional blogger :)...I cannot believe I finally stopped in the moment to start this venture. I am ready. My prayer is that I can encourage just one other person by sharing my experiences. I also look forward to the impact reading what other people share will have on my Soul.

Between, church activities, family activities, doctor’s visits, home schooling, dance class, health problems, and keeping the home, I thought this time would never come. I often thought to myself, “…(with my terrible OCD and over planning of each day), who has time for blogging!!?” However, I now recognize it is no longer an option but instead a requirement.

Writing is so therapeutic; the power of written word is remarkable. It frees the soul and challenges the mind. It helps us take the time to remember who we are and where we are going. This world is so fast pace, “do this”, “do that”, “be here”, “be there”, “look at this”, and “look at that”, it’s never ending. No wonder we get tired, over committed, envious, and burnt out. If we plan to stay talented at organizing our families and helping them execute their own days, then we have to stay on top of ministering to our own needs. Writing things down can help that. We have to stop and take the time to organize our own thought process.

This has always been a challenge for me. God is training me to think differently about ‘taking out time for self’. In the past I would find myself too guilt-ridden to set personal goals. I worried that my sickness was already taking up so much time from the family that I thought it a crime to spend energy on my own interest. I exhausted myself overcompensating, spending all my energies on their needs and ignoring my own. Then I would get burnt out. FYI, that’s not humility that’s just plain old pride. Silly human. I thank God for hindsight; God is training me to know that I do not need to create my own disciplines, nor does he want me to trade discipline for punishment by neglecting myself. Instead I am to be a part of a disciplined lifestyle; I too can be part of the importance of the day. In fact, without valuing the importance that God himself has placed on our individual lives, we will be useless to others.

Okay well, that’s all for now, sorry so much so soon, but had to start somewhere. God bless.

PS: Get to know me...Here are some of my goals:
  • Explore avenues on how to become more involved with Cancer and Migraine Research perhaps build a website (...dabbling in it but not where I want to be)
  • Write Music (...finish the c.d I've been making for the past two years)
  • Dance Again (...I love dance as a form of expression)
  • Learn the Guitar (..another venture, I've been undertaking for two years ;-) )
  • Read More/laugh more/explore more
I'll keep you posted ;)

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I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself....A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -David Herbert Lawrence